Friday, September 5

Going way way back....

As you can see I have been gone from the blogging world for awhile. I remember thinking when school ended in May..whatever will I do all summer? The summer is already over and I can't believe how fast it flew by. Grammy from Dallas visited us for a week in June and Grandpa Mark (who is now being renamed to Pawpaw, per Isaac) visited in July. Grammy came back in August & watched the boys for a week while Jimmy & I went on vacation to Vegas. Jimmy won a 3 day trip to Vegas through Toyota and we tacked on an extra 4 days and had a great time. Our first niece made her arrival in August, sweet Mariana Elise! My sister, Aunt Michelle came and visited us last week so put together all the fun family visits we had along with a lot of Sea World action and that's our summer in a nutshell. :) Stay tuned for lots of pictures!