Monday, July 30

31 days to go!

Sorry it's been awhile since my last post. Life has been pretty busy! We had been in the process of building a home with Ryland over the last few months and were due to move in early August. We put our house on the market...I mean Jimmy did. Yes, he's a realtor now! Sells cars by day and houses by night. Our house unexpectedly sold in 6 days! We had to be out by July 15th. In the midst of this we were having second thoughts on our choice to build with Ryland, the house, the neighborhood, etc. I was out driving around one day with the boys just taking a look to see what else was out there and I came across a lovely neighborhood. About 5 miles outside of town, Lennar was building, Kallison Ranch. I loved it instantly, bigger house, lots more features and they are a great builder. Thanks Zac & Whit for the recommendation! Also to Skip & Kate who by chance were in town the weekend we were up in the air about what to do so they helped us decide! So this house wasn't due to be ready until the end of August. What do you do when your about to be homeless for 6 weeks? Put all your belongings in storage & move in with your in-laws, of course! They let us stay here 3 1/2 yrs ago when we first moved to SA for 6 weeks but Elijah was a baby, a little easier then. Now we have 2 kids that create a circus everywhere they are, so sweet! :) I think Grandma & Grandpa are enjoying it though! We're excited about our new house, we're closing on the 30th!